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Register with Synergy Search & Placement, Inc

Create your Opportunity Alert profile
This profile is for purposes of determining current and future opportunities that may be of interest to you based on your experience, goals, preferences and personal circumstances.
The information you provide enables us to bring to your attention those opportunities most likely to be of interest to you and to communicate in a timely manner in ways that work best for you.
This is most effective if we have a resume on file for reference. It does not need to be updated for this purpose - your most recent version is fine. If necessary, we will update the resume when there is an opportunity you wish to be considered for.

All information is held in strict confidence.
Neither your resume or any other identifying information is ever shared with potential employers or other third parties without your express permission to be considered for an opportunity we have discussed.

Upload your most recent resume. If it's not current, that's fine. Just note that in the Comments field. This resume will be used for keyword searching only to match you to appropriate opportunities. It will not be sent to any potential employers without your updating.

Please use a personal email address, not a work email.

Unless indicated as preferred means of contact, we will not typically contact you on your work phone

Home address

Please list all companies and/or recruiters / recruiting firms to whom you have submitted your resume in the past 12 months.

What is your limit for required overnight travel (i.e. 25% would be 1 week / month or 1-2 days/week, 10% would be 2 days/month, 1 week/quarter etc.)

Select the option that best describes your openness to relocation opportunities

Include any information that would be helpful in determining what type of opportunities you would like to be contacted on. Goals, specific potential employers you'd like to target, types of business you prefer to work with etc.

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